Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Gallimore Family

The picture featured on my home page is of the Gallimore family. They are an interesting family and I will include a link to my family tree on

The family originated in Cannock, which is in Staffordshire. It is amazing the amount of families who moved from Staffordshire to the North West, following the work in the mines. Another popular place was Hemsworth in Yorkshire, which was a big mining town. Miners moved where the work was and as property was rented, this was very easy to do. However, it makes life hard if you'r tracing your family tree.

The Gallimores were related to my Kiggin side of the family through my grandfather, Thomas, marrying Alice Hindley, whose mother was Mary Ann Gallimore.

Mary Anns' parents were Hanna and Enoch Gallimore who lived in Astley, which is a small mining towen in Lancashire, now part of Greater Manchester. Hanna and Enoch were killed in a house fire in 1910. Enoch was lighting a paraffin lamp which exploded in his hands and the paraffin covered his clothes. Hanna went to his rescue but she was badly burnt as well, so badly that they both died. A horrific way to die.


  1. All of the family history that you have shared with me already has been really interesting so I am looking forward to reading more of your family history, glad you finally got around to starting a blog :)

  2. hello sheila
    please could you provide me with the names of all the gallimore family within the photograph as my mother is the granddaughter of charles gallimore thank you for any help you may be able to give

    regards candice
